Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just the weekend

The weekend was on the whole rather uneventful, but sometimes that kind of recuperation is exactly what I need. Plus I have been needing to save some money to get me through to the end of April. I sent a lot of money home from my March paycheck and what I had saved from February, so now I am walking a bit of a tightrope, but I don't mind. Sending money home feels like a real accomplishment for me - I like when I do it because it means that my loans are being paid each month (thank you, Mom!) and I enjoy paying bills. Granted that is mostly because right now my expenses are minimal and I can pay them easily; I am sure I will not always enjoy paying bills seeing as unexpected life can be. So I made a conscious decision on Friday NOT to go to the bank for the weekend and to just work with the 5000 yen (~$50) I had in my wallet and keep my weekend low key.

Appropriately (hah) after my saving money spiel, I want to share that I bought a bicycle while Michael was here. He gave me the push I needed (thank you) to make that impulse purchase and I am so happy that I did! It's not fancy, it's a cruising bike and doesn't even have gears, but the price was right and the setup is perfect for how I will be using it. It came with a basket, a peddle-generated light, a built-in bike lock and a nice little bell. So this weekend I used to it go to the park for the Peach Blossom Festival. I"ll be sure to post the pictures soon, but the pink blossoms are so pretty. The park is really great too - I had never been there.

My ride to the festival should have taken about 20 minutes, but I knew from driving in that direction, that there were some exceptionally narrow roads and I don't like riding my bike where there is no side walk. So I spent about an hour or so riding around trying to find an alternate route to the festival - turns out, there isn't one. So when I rode about half hour out of my way, I had to ride a half hour back so that I could just take the route I knew. The narrow roads weren't too bad, so all is well there. Honestly, I don't mind riding my bike around aimlessly either. I am so happy I bought the bike and since the weather is getting warmer, there will actually be quite a bit of use for it. My town feels so much more accessible now and there will never be a worry with parking again!

Other than my random bike rides, I stayed in. I finished a puzzle I had been working on - I still have another sitting on my table half-finished, but I didn't have it in me to finish both of them. And I have almost finished the current book I am reading, so be on the look out for a new review soon. The book is great, but I am starving to get started on a new book. My stack is a little intimidating right now and I really want to finish before I come home in a few months. I think I can as long as I stay diligent and get off my current Picross obsession! **Picross is a DS game that Michael got me hooked on. I love puzzle games, but I have a one track mind when it comes to a new game on my DS.**

Wow, more to report than I thought. I am excited that the weather is getting warmer and that I have four months left to wrap up my life here and prepare to go home.


Unknown said...

A community bike ride sounds good. I think you will really enjoy your little town in the sunshine. With only four months to go, I hope your extra-curicular classes are still fun. Try not to stay in just to finish your reading there might be all kinds of fun things to do around town.

Mikey said...

Getting outside is important when the weather is nice. You can have your cake and eat it too by riding to the park to spend some time relaxing and reading there instead of reading at home. I should start riding my bike now, since the weather is getting warmer, but that hill sure is intimidating...

Theresa said...

Hooray for bike riding! I've been wanting to ride a bike for the longest time now, even though I haven't been on a bike for at least 10 years and my old bike is rusty and has flat tires. LOL.