Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Living in Japan

Being a foreigner and trying to set up residence in Japan can be a little tough. There is a ton of paperwork and verification; it means having obscene amounts of cash on you at all times for different payments and fees and no one takes credit cards. I have to get a foreigner identification card and they tell me I can’t do anything else until I have that. That card takes three weeks to get once I have applied for it; but I have some stealthy people helping me out, and I have been able to get a lot of things set up without it!

I have a cell phone now, which is really awesome because Japanese cell phones kick butt! I have a name stamp too, because the Japanese use these stamps instead of a signature. My school had one made for me the day I got here and they picked out a really pretty case for it too! I have gotten started on the process of setting up my internet, which takes a long time just because of sending modems back and forth and verification stuff. I am also in the process of having my car inspected and getting insurance. That is taking a while because my car is pretty old. I think the Japanese are just worried that the American, who is used to driving on the right side of the road is going to break herself, the car, and maybe other people! I’m glad they are taking their time with it, but I will be glad to have a bit more freedom and mobility once I am able to start driving. My health insurance card is on its way as well as my re-entry permit.

My re-entry permit is crazy important because if I were to leave Japan without it, my workers Visa would become void and I wouldn’t be let back into the country. So for just 6000 yen (about $60) I will be able to buy a permit that lets me come and go from Japan as I please. I am pretty excited about the traveling I will get to do while I am here. Once I go back home to the States, I will hit my comfort zone again, and it may be quite a while before I leave again, so I better just go crazy now! I am going to start a running list of places I want to visit this year. If anyone has any suggestions for good things to do, please, please let me know!!!

I think this is enough blogging for now. I hope I have given you all plenty to read!


Mikey said...

I hope you get to travel to a lot of places as well. Oh, but you had better take many, many pictures so the rest of us don't feel left out!

Anonymous said...

Please send me postcards from all your travels, if you can! :)