Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wait, did you see what just whizzed by?

Yeah, it was Christmas. It ended up being a lovely day. There was very little evidence of the holiday around me, but the only thing I needed, I got. I was allowed to leave work early, so I went home, got a nap in and cleaned up my apartment a bit. I went to dinner with a couple friends from Koga and had some nice conversation. We are all from different countries, so we all celebrate the holidays differently. I always love hearing about cultural differences and comparing lifestyles of different people.

After dinner I came home, and did some really nice Skyping with my family. I got to be with them while they were opening Christmas gifts. It looked like a normal family Christmas and it made me really happy to be with them. I liked to see and hear their reactions as they were opening the gifts I got them and the gifts they got for one another. My parents are really great at the whole Christmas thing and I know I have always felt so lucky and really spoiled since I was a kid. And the highlight about being away from home this Christmas is that next Christmas is going to be completely wonderful sharing it with my family in person again.

There are a lot of things that I could have been depressed about, but I hold true that life brings only happiness and positive opportunities. Even when the situation looks bleakest, there is always happiness to be had. And the biggest mistake someone can make is to miss the happiness that abound in life because they are too busy complaining and dwelling on the silly things. I cannot, will not, let life pass me by while I am dwelling in a silly depression of my own making.


Unknown said...

Well my darling daughter, we are blessed to have been given you as a gift from God to be part of our lives. Christmas gives us another time to be thankful and mindful of our blessings; family, friends and the love in our lives. We are grateful for the modern technology that makes our world small enough to touch you across the world. We love you!!

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas, little one!!!! did you get my pictures?
My biggest present this year is that Oliver is home from Texas and I love having him close by. Thinking of you and wishing you all the wonderful 12 days of Christmas!!!! (ps - if you ever really got the 12 days of Christmas as gifts.... there are 364!! isn't that cool? HUGE HUGS!)

Mikey said...

Christmas Day seems to be less of an event now than it has in the past, as different schedules have made it mostly just me, mom, and dad. The fun thing is that most of what Christmas Day used to be is now spread throughout the weeks of Christmas! Right now, my nieces are here and the whole house has brightened up for it!