Sunday, December 7, 2008

Stalkerbook? I beg to differ!

Maybe it makes me a stalker, maybe it just makes me an interested and invested friend, but I think Facebook is brilliant. I must tell you that I have not always been a fan, but I am one of the converted. This social networking tool, as they call it, brings every person I have ever met, and their incredibly interesting lives right to my computer screen! Of course many of my "friends" on Facebook are people I have met only once, or people whose names I vaguely knew in high school or college. On the flip side of that, there are many people who were close to me at different stages in my life, but for one reason or another we have grown apart and now lead very different lives.

I often receive requests from people who are not altogether familiar to me. Somethings that might help to cause this to happen are the many tools Facebook provides for its users to uncover all the people from their lives. Facebook will personally sift through your email address book and AIM buddies to help connect you to long lost friends. One tool I find particularly interesting is the "People You Might Know" application. Every time I sign onto my Facebook page, there is a box on the side suggesting three new people I may or may not know. I can even click a link to see another 20 or so suggestions for new friends.

That is where I think things start to get interesting. As of this moment, I have 724 friends on Facebook. I can sift through all of my friends and recognize every name; and given my nature and curiosity I sincerely want to know what path their individual lives have taken. I want to know about college and jobs and relationships and kids if they apply. As a society, we have a difficult time reviving friendships that have fallen by the wayside. There is an immense amount of discomfort in the reconnecting conversation that comes with seeing an old friend; however with a catalyst such as Facebook, those in-person meetings need never take place. You can catch up with one another consensually online and never speak a word.

Now to combat the creepiness that accompanies internet stalking, Facebook has gone to great lengths to protect its members and set up securities that can be turned on and off at each person's discretion. I enjoy Facebook more than most other social networking tools because of the structure, the intuitiveness of the site and the ease with which to find people by name.

Essentially what I am trying to say, is that I love to hear from random friends and people in my life. I wish you well in your life's endeavors and I thank you for letting me into your little world.


kait said...

yayyy facebook! if only it wasn't so distracting at finals time when i really should be doing work! glad you've fully embraced it! :)

(p.s. mikey, i win again!)

Unknown said...

I am glad there is a new way for old friends to connect and revitalize a friendship that has wavered on the side of the road. BUT, it does make me a little sad if you don't take the opportunity to rekindle those set aside friendships in person. The computer should aid in breaking that uncomfortable time lapse, but to set a time or place for a remeet should definitely follow when possible.

Mikey said...

I'm not against Facebook, but I do think that lots of people use this to substitute for what I believe are more meaningful methods of communication. It's always nice to get a message from a friend on facebook, but it's that much nicer to get a phone call or a visit from that same person. Again, that's just my opinion, as I know there have been many important and meaningful messages delivered in all kinds of different forms.