So often we refuse to take responsibility for the things in our lives, the good or the bad. We wander though the day thinking that life HAPPENS to us, that we have no control. The reality of life is that in every decision we make, we push our life in a new direction. We have control over the path in which our life takes, and all too often people relinquish that control to pity themselves instead. The odd thing about have it until you give it to someone or something else by allowing their words and actions to affect your mood absolutely. And while you're still in control, you often feel like life is whizzing by and you can't keep up.
After a while, when you've given up control, you see so clearly that it was yours to give up and you did so willingly. Clamping back down on control lost can be such a painful and tedious process because it means taking responsibility for your emotions again. You can no longer blame anyone or anything else for your sadness or misfortune. There are so many reasons we relinquish, laziness, LUST, desperation, self pity. None of these reasons are particularly good - especially not love. Maybe you can argue that in love everything is worth it - every step you take. Sadly, that just isn't true. When true love exists you should never feel any desire to give up your control to appease "love." Love is one of those amazing occurrences in life that should mold to you. Good love is like papier-mache. It shapes to the priorities and goals of your life, but the delicacy of it makes it special and a thing to be revered and respected. A good love will never ask you to change course or lose sight of your ambition. It will never require that you sleep less or cry more.
Just so people don't read this and start to view relinquishing control as a weakness and a negative: It's not always a bad thing. Sure, sometimes it happens because you just don't want to deal with responsibility, but there are times when passing or sharing it can be beneficial. Sometimes what you get in return is worth more than what you give up. As John Donne wrote, no man is an island. Don't be afraid to give up control, but be wise in what you give up and to whom you give it. On another note, why the capitalization of 'lust'? Does that come from some personal experience? Is there someone I have to beat up? I told you I was going to punch whoever this is! And if he's bigger than me (probably a good chance he is), I have big friends. BIG.
A good love allows you to stay on the path of your future, and is flexible enough to include the one you choose to spend your life with. Control of your behavior is all in your power, control of emotions is a never ending battle. That is not to say that emotional control is impossible, but the beauty of emotions is that they bring an opening into our view of life that helps us to see outside ourselves. And sometimes we do just need to sit, suck our thumb and feel sorry for ourselves. We do get over it and move on. I agree with mike in love what you get in return is worth more than what you give up.
Wow. Deep. Amen sista. XO
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