Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Knit Two by Kate Jacobs

Yes, another book report. My life should pick up and be more exciting next week.

This book is a sequel to one I read early during my stay here in Japan. I am delighted to report that I am very happy with the direction the story moved in this book. Of course there is a somewhat troubled, but happy ending none the less.

Knit Two is set five years after Friday Night Knitting Club. Since that time these women have grown, but have not yet learned how to deal with their sadness and loss. I especially like the character of Dakota because I can identify a bit with her. She is a young girl, still in college but going through some rough debates with herself and with her father about her life's plan. Dakota is trying to really figure out where she fits between gutsy adventurer and stable working woman. I can commiserate with this struggle a bit. I think by the end she, with the help of everyone around her, has come up with a solid plan for incorporating dreams and reality.

Reading this kind of book makes me hope to find this kind of friendship and female companions some day. It is such a story of truth and friendship that I can understand, but have never experienced the way it is portrayed in this book.


Mikey said...

Whoa, like Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants! Or Sex and the City! Or Entourage! Or any other thing with a group of close friends! Good times...

Unknown said...

I like the fact that the woman has found a balance of dreams and reality. I think when that balance is found, life is truly enjoyable. The little things don't bother you so much because of the dreams "it (they) won't last too long". Reality tainted with the vision of dreams definitely makes any unpleasant reality easier to deal with.