Sunday, March 8, 2009

EPL - Indonesia

By far, my favorite part of the book (Lauren's too!) and perfect for getting me out of my weekend funk. The life that Elizabeth Gilbert has chosen to live and her year-long journey described in this book is unbelievable. I admire her gumption and will power, but I would never choose such a life for myself. I think Indonesia is a beautiful culmination of her hardship and struggles the rest of the year and her ability to commit herself so deeply to God. I am inspired by her spiritual journey and her power to love - herself.

I think more often than not we don't regard ourselves at all. Most of us are not self-loathing, but I would bet that most of us are not self-loving either. I want to be self-loving because at that point it is so much easier to love others and to focus your attention on thinking of someone else first. Good book. Read it. India is tough to get through.


Lauren Parker Lasater said...

Well said sista! AAAAAAAA How much did you love Indonesia?! When are we going? Ha ha =D Self-love, its a good one :) Love ya girl! Can't wait for more adventures this weekend!!! xo

Mikey said...

I feel like I may need to read this sometime in my life, sometime when I need a little perspective. I'm not much for inspirational books, but probably because I find a lot of them to be quite cheesy. From what I've heard about this, it separates itself from the pack as a truly great read. I will keep this book in mind.