Thursday, March 26, 2009

Here's to the ladies who lunch, everybody laugh!

Name that show!!!

On Monday, the female teachers at Sanwa had a bit of a going away luncheon for the teachers who will be moving on to new schools in a couple weeks. We went out to a Chinese restaurant and the food was delicious! But aside from the food, the conversation was hilarious and non-stop laughs. First, a couple of the girls were late to the restaurant, so the teachers made this elaborate plan that I would get very upset that they were late and tell them how mad I was in Japanese and then the gym teacher would tell them in English how mad she was and start to walk out, but I had to stop her in a very dramatic way. The whole plan happened with glitches, but was completely hilarious and set the happy tone for the lunch.

During the meal the ladies were discussing where they would be moving and how far their commute was going to be. They talked about how sad they were to leave Sanwa, but that of course they would all still be friends. They talked about some recent vacations they had taken and how they all think that the male teachers are either crazy or funny or both. Gossip central!

At the end of the meal, we ordered dessert (naturally) and while we were waiting the gym teacher devised a game for us all to play. I think I have described the shiri-tori game on here before, but the gist is that each person says a word and the person after them has to say a word that begins with the last letter of the previous word. Well the catch to this game was that we had to play in Japanese, but we had to translate our words into English before we said it. For example, I would say Apple (ringo in Japanese) and the next person would say rice (gohan in Japanese) and so on. It was so much fun and all the ladies tried so hard and pulled out some really great words like scarecrow (kakashi in Japanese). I always have so much fun with the teachers from Sanwa and I am so lucky that they always try to invite me and include me in all their outings!


Mikey said...

The show is obviously NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw. It was his last night before Brian Williams took over, and he wanted to make a shout-out to women who enjoy lunch, as he enjoys women and lunch as well. That sounds like a very fun lunch with the teachers! They were so very nice to me when I was there, so I can imagine how cool they would be at a luncheon!

H.M. said...

That sounds so fun, and thank you for making me not be the only Sondheim nerd who uses song titles for blog posts (although I believe I used Sunday in the Park with George and not Company. Possibly). :)