Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oh brother, where art I????

I got wicked lost today trying to get myself home from Sakai West High School. This school is out in the middle of NOWHERE! I was there for only the third time today, and I was taken yet a third route to get there. I really think it is the lack of repetition that killed it for me. But anyway, I was driving in circles and recognizing convenience stores, landmarks and whatnot, but every time I thought I knew where I was, I just took another wrong turn (clearly not on purpose) and got myself lost again. When I did finally stop to ask for directions, I was literally two minutes away from my apartment, figures!

Oh well, it's good for me to get lost around here sometimes I think. At home I have a pretty decent sense of direction - I pretty much always know where I am, and if not I follow familiar signs until I figure it out. I'm never worried when I take a wrong turn or get a little lost at home - that's probably because America uses signs! I love road signs, I may have happened upon a new obsession in fact. But yeah, so I am here for at least a year and I have to figure out how to recalibrate my sense of direction without being able to rely upon awesome signage.

New plan for the weekend! Get a full tank of gas, and drive around until I know exactly where I am at all times! When I get hungry, stop and get food. Under no circumstances am I allowed to stop and ask for directions, I just have to drive until I can figure things out and memorize a ton! I am kind of scared, but excited. Right now I don't go out much (unless I'm walking) because I am too worried about getting lost. The sooner I get over that, the sooner I can explore more places, further and further away. The only thing that will make it better is if I can con a friend into getting lost all day with me! haha

Today was good in school. Sakai West is a really tiny school (only 187 kids) and everyone is uber shy. That makes getting responses tough, but it was okay nevertheless. As always Ariana and Dustin make a huge splash and I can bask in that for a few minutes until I have to move onto the next slide, thanks Kiddos!


Unknown said...

that sounds like the BEST idea ever! I would totally want to get lost with you! think of all the fun things you'll see and the people and everything else - what a great idea!
My Aunt did something like that once: we drove off and everytime we couldn't decide to go either right or left, we flipped a coin. It was great - we found a fun new place for dinner and the adventure of getting there was the best part! you'll also get more practise driving :huge grin:
make sure to write abt it!!!!!

Mikey said...

I remember when I decided to just drive around here in Morgantown. I discovered so many little places and new routes, though none of them really help me get to school on time. Sadly, I found no 7-elevens, so no Slurpee for me...

Unknown said...

I think an adventure like that sounds great. I would take with me a new Japanese friend just to make things a little more interesting. Take pictures of the scenic overlooks as you pass the mountains or whatever scenery is around. I am proud of your spirit rising to the occassion and look forward to reading all about it. Have FUN!!!