Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The prodigal blogger has returned

Back from sabbatical and I am ready to start blogging again! I have a few stories to relay so far, and I think I am going to do it by posting each story separately, for easy reading.

Arriving in Japan was different this time than it has been in the past. I think a large part of that is because I am not here for a short stay with an already wonderful group of friends as I have done in the past. On those occasions there has always been a lot of excitement and anticipation of what is to come and sharing it with someone else. At this point I have been living on my own in effect for three years and I am just coming here to live. I am happy to be here, I don’t feel upset or morose, but just normal. It’s comfortable and feels like I should be here.

I have been through three orientations at this point. Things are starting to get a little redundant, but I guess it would be irresponsible not to have them. I am in a bit of a different situation than most of the JETs I have encountered because I have actually studied the Japanese language, I have been here multiple times before, and I have spent the past six summers working with and teaching/learning from Japanese adults and students. I understand the subtleties in their style of communicating, I can speak to them in their own language (to an extent) and I like the food!

*Side note* I desperately need to learn to start cooking real food instead of just using the microwave oven. If anyone out there has some good recopies that are of the Asian persuasion, it would be uber helpful if you could send them to me!!!

I have met some nice people and I think there are some good friendships beginning to form here, so that is really great. This is going to be an important year for me and I really hope I walk away with some great friends and new contacts.


Mikey said...

I'll have mom send you some recipes ASAP.

Anonymous said...

CHICKEN ADOBO!! The one thing that I can actually make!! HAHA. It's not Japanese, but it's still yummy. Let me know! :)