I want to welcome you, whoever you are, to my blog. I will be using this page to document my adventures of the coming year. In my young life I have been lucky to have many adventures, but I have been rather remiss in documenting them, thus one reason for this blog. The overarching reason however is that I have just graduated from college and will be moving to Japan in August to live there for a year. This is not the first time I have been away from home, but it will be the longest time I will have been away without seeing my family.
One thing I need to be completely honest about, is that I do not always handle the changes in my life with the greatest poise. The people closest to me know this firsthand, and for that I apologize. But at some point we all need to "wo"man-up and do something that will test our character, patience, ability to adapt and be flexible, and our ability to be alone.
Over the next month, I will be preparing and getting myself in order to leave in August. Luckily I have already gotten some of the paperwork and things underway, now it is more a matter of packing and emotional preparation. I am counting on my family and close friends to give me the love and support I will need to get myself on that airplane.
Thank you for dropping in and reading my brief thoughts. I will keep up this blog not only to let others into my life, but also to give myself a chance to be open about my thoughts, feelings, and experiences preparing for and being abroad. Be well.
1 comment:
Good start Babes. Keep it up!
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